Klobuchar MN Energy Summit – PART II

12:30 continuing the live blogging. part I is here

Panel II: Made in MN

Prof Paul Vaaler – Carlson School- moderator. Gotta have a compelling narrative/be cool to get traction

Michael Roman – 3m: better living through chemistry and material science – wind films, reflective materials, LEDs, ethanol osmosis membranes, glass bubbles to save weight on cars, high capacity transmission lines.

Steve Tourek – Marvin Windows: stories that connect people with new windows (family owned, 100-years, HQ in warwick MN employs 75% of folks in that town) half of all employees in MN. Jobs are mostly in small businesses.

Most architects and customers don’t want to pay extra $$ to get better performance and so spec clear glass single-pane windows. Opportunity to retrofit older buildings with new products. We don’t need to wait for new technology – the existing

Durability is an ignored factor in the sustainability discussion. new window tech include high performance frames/sashes, switchable glazing and new films. As a private company, they managed to not lay off any staff, by accepting lower profits and salaries and energy efficiency programs.

One criteria doesn’t fit all climates for tax credits and a big flaw with current tax rebates versus energy star.

Steve Van Tassel – packet power. Interpreting energy bills for consumers. wireless smart power cords to track usage. now deploying to data centers – a huge energy user 1 1/2% of energy in US and waste 1/2 of energy because of poor management.

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